WAIT! Get My #1 Best Selling Book, Instant Authority for Only $6.50!
It's My "Credibility Book" on Credibility Books!
Attention: Coaches, Consultants, Entrepreneurs and other Independent Professionals
Credibility Books Are the Quickest, Easiest and Best Way to Establish Yourself As the Go-To Expert in Your Marketplace... Period!
Let Us Help You Publish Your Own World-Class, Value-Filled Book In 5-Weeks or Less!

Want to See if Credibility Books Are Right For You?
Watch this FREE Video...
What is a Credibility Book?
Watch this short video to see what a Credibility Book is and why its so valuable for business professionals like you.
Unlike traditional business books that are 250+ pages and must follow a rigid structure, Credibility Books are specific to one problem your target market has and is focused on actually providing them value to help solve that problem and contains NO fluff. Best part? They can be as little as 24 pages and done in a matter of weeks!
The Ultimate Goal and Purpose of Credibility Books
The primary purpose of a Credibility Book is for professionals to build authority and position themselves as an expert in their field.
They are NOT designed to make you tons of money by the sale of books alone. For 99% of authors who want to make money by just selling their book, it doesn't happen! I could go on and on explaining why this but look around. Find me an author that has made a significant income from just their book sales and I'll show you 1,000 authors who has sold less than 100 copies of their book.
So you're probably asking yourself, "why bother publishing a book"?
Simply put there are many reasons for having a published book. Much more so than the pennies you'll make selling individual copies.
The biggest one is to help pre-sell your high-ticket backend products and services.
For example, if you're a business growth consultant you probably have services you offer for a very large fee. You can use your Credibility Book as an easy, fool-proof way to build instant authority and get into companies that would otherwise prove difficult.
Imagine this scenario, there is a company that you've be dying to work with but everything you've tried has failed. You can't get in front of the decision maker. So you decide to buy him or her your own book off Amazon and send it to them as a gift with a card inside that says,
"Hi _____, read page xx. I'm confident this strategy can help _____. When you're done reading give me a call at ___-____-___ so we can discuss where your business is at and how I can help. Be well!"
Can you see what you just did? You bypassed any gatekeeper, got in front of your whale of a prospect and got his full attention!
IMPORTANT: to use Credibility Books to their maximum effectiveness you need to use them as a marketing, credibility and conversion tool. Not a revenue source.
The Most Common Types of Credibility Books
There are a few common types of Credibility Books that have proven to be the most effective.
You can choose the one that make best sense for you and your business. These options are discussed in detail during our strategy session (see below).
They different kinds of Credibility Books are:
PLEASE NOTE: ALL of our Credibility Books follow a proven framework for the first and last parts of the book. What is below is a breakdown of the different frameworks for how you can do the main body/core content of your book. Combining these frameworks together gives you a powerful book that is extremely valuable to your target audience.
A Tips Book is exactly how it sounds. It is filled with “tips” on how to do something or how to avoid something or a combination thereof.
This type of book is typically the easiest but still contains tons of value.
Other names for Tips Books can be:
- Secrets of…
- Mistakes to Avoid…
- Roadblocks to…
- Lessons Learned…
- Reasons Why…
- xx Tips to…
- Etc.
I love FAQ/SAQ books because they get directly into the mind of the reader and answers their questions. These books are very persuasive in nature.
FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
SAQ = Should Ask Questions
Every business has a certain number of questions they get asked ALL the time. And on the flip side there are questions people should be asking but they aren’t. Usually because, “you don’t know what you don’t know.”
An FAQ/SAQ book is perfect for people who find themselves answering the same questions over and over and over again. You can put together a world-class book that answers these questions plus the one’s people should be asking and you’ll be providing HUGE value to the marketplace.
For some people this style of book is not as exciting or rewarding as the others. However, when done right a Re-Purposed Content Book can provide great value.
For example, just because you wrote a blog post doesn’t mean everyone in your market has read it. So it just makes sense to re-purpose the content you’ve already created into something even more valuable.
When you can combine several posts on a related topic all that needs to happen is a little tweaking and you’ll end up with a powerful book that no one will know came from your blog.
You can also do the same with emails, audios and videos you’ve created. Re-purposing content can make writing your book easier and faster than you ever thought possible.
How-to Books are a mainstay and proven winner in the publishing world.
If you have a process that you can take someone step-by-step from where they are now to where they want to be then a How-to Book is a great choice.
Some authors fear that if they give away all their secrets in a book then no one will hire them. Frankly, these fears are completely unfounded because that never happens. Think about it. If you’re the one providing the value, you’re the one they’re going to view as the expert.
Don’t be afraid to give away your best secrets and tons of value. You’ll be rewarded in the end with an endless stream of high paying clients.
If this all makes sense then keep reading to see for yourself how you can use your own Credibility Book to grow your income...
Get a Free Cheat Sheet and 12-minute Video Walk-through That Shows You Why Credibility Books are Your Ultimate Marketing Asset...
Are You Good at What You Do But Struggle With...
- You work hard but your wallet doesn’t show it
- You provide powerful results for your clients but you don’t have enough of them
- You feel its hard to get ahead when no one knows who you are
- You’re tired of struggling and ready to make good things happen
- You know that once the snowball gets rolling in your favor everything will fall into place and you’ll have a business of your dreams
If So, You Need Credibility
cred·i·bil·i·ty is defined as:
The quality of being trusted and believed in; as well as being convincing or believable.
In other words, when you talk people listen and trust what you say.
If You Had Credibility...
- Prospects would trust you without having to go through all of the traditional “sales steps”
- Prospects would start coming to you instead of you chasing them
- Conversions would be higher… and easier
- Customers would be eager to refer you
- At the end of the day, you would be the obvious choice in your marketplace
Why a Credibility Book is a MUST-HAVE!
Imagine this, you meet a perfect prospect and you’re discussing their problems and instead of handing them your business card you hand them your book!
How do you think they'll react?
Shocked? Impressed? Intrigued? Wanting to know more?
Do you see how powerful that is?
I don’t make up the laws of the universe, I just follow them. And for whatever reason the universe says that when someone publishes a book they are viewed as an authority, an expert in that area.
Why not take advantage of this for your own business?
Benefits of Credibility Books
Who Should Use a Credibility Book
Are you already successful at what you do but want to take your business to new levels then a Credibility Book is right for you.
If you're someone that is viewed as an expert in your field - or want to be viewed as an expert - you will benefit greatly from having your very own print book.
Credibility Books are perfect for consultants, coaches, entrepreneurs and other independent professionals.
Why Credibility Books Are Different
Old World
(Traditional Publishing)
- Purpose is to try and make money from the book sales
- Fame and fortune to the masses
- 250+ gruling pages
- Takes months and months to write it
- Must use a traditional publisher
- Takes upwards of a year or longer to get published
- Must do all your own marketing
- Publisher gets pissed if you don’t sell lots of books or makes you buy 5,000 to put in your garage
New World
(Credibility Books)
- Purpose is to position yourself as the expert. You make money on the backend
- Fame and fortune to your specific audience and market
- 24-75 pages
- Use proven frameworks to write your book fast
- Self publishing is quick and easy. Get your book in the marketplace in 5-weeks or less
- No need for your own marketing
- On demand publishing means you save thousands
A Sampling of Books We've Published for Our Clients

Success Stories
I was recently a part of Drew's Credibility Book program. Jumping in I wasn’t sure what to expect but Drew helped every step of the way!
Paul Conant
He demonstrated a very positive attitude throughout the process and helped me establish a series of goals in manageable pieces. If I had some questions or problems, Drew would take the initiative to help me over the obstacles, and allow us to find a solution quickly.
Overall this was a great experience and Drew was there each step of the way.
The Credibility Book program offered by Drew was everything as promised.
Randy Walden
Working with his team was amazing, and the response was fast. I got my book don't faster than they had promise. The changes I had asked for was done quickly.
Overall I am pleased with the end product, and now I am working getting the results from this great marketing tool!
Getting my book published with Drew was a great experience. He was helpful, professional and courteous all the way through. Always willing to make any tweaks or major changes without the slightest bit of grumbling.
John McDonald
If you are thinking about getting a book published, I would definitely recommend you go to Drew.
Greg's Case Study is one that truly shows the power of what a Credibility Book can do for one's business.
Greg Chambers
Greg and I go aways back. We lost touch for awhile but started meeting again when he started his consulting company. That's when I first introduced him to Credibility Books.
It didn't take Greg long to buy. And after a few consultations, trainings and guidance from me he published his first book! And just like most Credibility Books, it was not traditional.
His first book was a recap of a seminar he attended. He wanted to write several blog posts about what he learned and how it may help his clients. But instead of 12 blog posts he wrote a Credibility Book - or booklet as he likes to call them.
Once that first book was done he realized he had a framework he could use over and over to create similar style books. That's how Amalgamate was born! This new framework made creating his second book super easy and fast!
He now hands out one of his Amalgamate books to every new person he meets and always gets a thank you a week or so later.
So far he has given out 300 books that has directly resulted in over $30k in new business!!
Even though one book is enough - due to his success - Greg now plans to publish two new Amalgamate books each year.
Wow, I am so impressed with the final result of my book; Protecting a Doctor's Digital Brand!
Drew was easy to work with. He was extremely receptive to my requests for changes and responded quickly whenever I had a question. There is no doubt I will be doing this again. I expect the book will provide me with a tremendous amount of authority working within the medical niche. Thanks Drew!Joe Velez
Why Most People Don't Publish a Book
So if we all agree that having a print book is hugely beneficial why doesn't everyone publish one?
Good question. We have found these seven things to be the biggest obstacles:
- I don’t know what to do or where to begin
- It takes too long
- It costs too much
- I’m not a good writer
- I’m scared to put myself out there
- No one will read it
- Heck, I didn’t know I could write a Credibility Book. I thought it had to be more traditional!
Let's Be Honest. Would You Do All This...
There is a TON of stuff that goes into publishing a book - even beyond what we outlined above. Take a look at these things and tell me if this is something you have time to do/learn on your own...
- Plan, outline and write the manuscript
- Proofread the manuscript
- Edit the manuscript
- Properly format the manuscript
- Format the manuscript for Kindle/ebook
- Design the cover
- Create the cover
- Setup distribution through all major online retailers
- Plus all kinds of other details!
We can all agree this is a ton of stuff to do on your own. Especially if you’ve never done it before. That’s why 95% of people reading this will not do it. They need help. They need a partner.
It’s proven that when you work with a partner the likelihood of it getting done increases dramatically.
If you work with us we guarantee it will get done. It’s what we do!
Would You Like Us to Do 95% of the Work for You?
What if I told you there is a simpler way to get a world-class print book with your name on it in 5-weeks (or less) without you having to do all the work, would you want to hear more?
Imagine a print book with your name on it. How would that change your life?
How would you like help with this? I’m not talking about you doing all the work. Instead getting a complete print book, with your name on it completely done-for-you.
Is that something you’d like to hear more about?
Good. Keep reading...

- The Process -
How We Work Together
In short, I will work with you 1-on-1 to create your own Credibility Book in 5-weeks or less.
You only have to do about 90-120 minutes of actual work with us and then we take care of the rest!
You of course get final approval of everything before it goes to print.
The end result: you have a print book you will be proud to hand out to clients… building instant credibility!
We use a 4-step framework to streamline our process and maximize efficiency:

If All This Did Was...
- Finally give you the confidence to charge more for your services...
- Give you a way to approach new clients in a zero pressure way...
- Helped you position yourself as the expert in your marketplace...
- Brought your target market to you instead of you chasing them...
- Allow you to say, "I wrote a book" to your friends, family and business associates
...Wouldn't it Be Worth it?!
How to Get Started Now
We do not take on everyone as a client.
We only work with a few people each month and they have to go through a process in order to be selected. Its not that we're hard to work with but we just want to make sure that we're a good fit for each other before getting started.
It's a simple two-step process:
Step One: Click the button below to watch a 12-minute overview video.
Step Two: After you complete the video you will be directed to scroll down that page where you can schedule a live call with us to discuss the details of your project. During that call if we BOTH decide we're a good fit we will discuss how we move forward.
It's really that simple!
So if you're ready to take the first step click the button below:
Not to worry! We can help you discover your best book idea during our free Strategy Session. You don't have to commit anything more than 45-minutes of your time. If we can't find an idea that gets you excited then we'll go our separate ways. No hard feelings.
No! Your Credibility Book will be 100% your own words, thoughts, ideas, etc.
Our job is to expedite the process in how to get the information out of your head and ultimately into a professionally bound book. We guide you through interviews, Q&A and worksheets.
All this is done using our proprietary frameworks and processes.
We use Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) to print all our books and get the books listed on Amazon and Kindle. Technically Amazon KDP is the publisher, however, on the Amazon book page it will show the publisher as, "Independently published".
We also publish books under our publishing company, Blackshirt Publishing.
But we can also help you create your own publishing company. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter who the "publisher" is.
In short, YES! Having a Credibility Book will work for you. Just like it does for every single person in every industry we've ever worked in. A book is the ultimate credibility, authority and positioning tool regardless of business or industry.
I can not offer a money back guarantee because of all the manual work that goes into this. Ex., coaching, setting up accounts, etc. However, I do guarantee to have a print book with you name on it in 5-weeks or we will do your next book for free!
We tried to include everything on this web page. We understand that you may have further questions. That's why we ask you to first watch our 12-minute walk through video. After the video, if you think that having your own Credibility Book is a good fit, then we ask you to complete our short questionnaire and schedule your free 1-on-1 live call with us to discuss you specific situation and project.
To watch the video, complete the questionnaire and schedule your free strategy session start at this link:
The best way to contact us is to first watch the 12-minute walk through video and then complete our questionnaire and schedule a time for your 1-on-1 Credibility Book Strategy Session.
You can do that by going here now:
If you need to contact us directly then please open a support ticket here:
"We will use one our step-by-step, proven frameworks to get you a world-class book published in 5-weeks or less!"
Drew Laughlin Strategic Marketing Specialist